Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Question Period in Brief

the phrase of the day "advent Calandra"

A sarcastic quip by Muclair, " a countdown of every day the PM refuses to answer a question, and instead his lil helper pops out to tell a story"

-during Muclair's repeated questions on the PM, and Senate audit scandal. Once again Muclair's pithy ad-lib steals the day during QP.

Memorable Moments

Andrews: The government is trying to lie, steal and deny    

-during question on Perrin emails, but could equally apply to many a question today

Muclair: does the PM not know he himself is the minister in charge of that bureaucracy?

-both question and rebuttal on what the PM knew and when, about the Perrin emails. PM  "explanations" are that the "bureaucracy" is in charge of these, and as soon as the "bureaucracy" was aware, they immediately notified the RCMP.

Trudeau: Why does Senator Irving Gerstein still enjoy the confidence of this PM ?

-Keep asking the question JT, it's a valid one. Too bad we aren't getting an answer on Gerstein's involvement in the Senate scandal and continued presence in caucus. (On a related note, Gerstein ruled, as head of committee, on a Liberal motion today in Senate, trying to remove him as head of the Senate banking committee-yes, you heard that right-he ruled on a motion brought against him)

Stoffer: Will the Minister commit to letting soldiers stay in the military once they are diagnosed with PTSD?  and " the urgency is now. Will the Minister now think about the universality of service?"

-on the sobering reality of soldier suicides, and the news that there may have been yet another. Stoffer and Mathyssen each take a couple turns making comments regarding cuts in veteran services, lack of health care and mental health services, proper transitioning from military service and assistance into new careers.

Trudeau: there is a lack of compassion on how government treats our soldiers

Sobering Thought of the Day from QP

This week marks the fourth soldier suicide in a week.

At least three of these soldiers served in Afghanistan.

More than two dozen soldier suicides since 2011.

Final Thoughts

All leaders were in the House today, but more news and attention on mental health issues, PTSD and soldier suicides, including the fourth this week, put a damper on the more rambunctious Members.  QP started off with a bang with Muclair leading the charge on Benjamin Perrin and the previously missing emails. After the PM grew weary of answering multiple questions by throwing the bureaucracy under the bus, he handed off the privilege to Calandra, which led to the "Advent Calandra" highlight of the day comment from Muclair. True to form, Calandra managed to answer absolutely nothing using the same dance he has been doing for at least a week.

The juiciest news of the day actually came out of the Red Chamber, with Gerstein as chair of the Senate banking committee ruling on a motion brought by the Liberals to remove him from the banking committee. You got it-he chaired, he heard, he ruled on the motion. Democracy not at its finest.

And for those who haven't heard, the Liberal motion in Senate directing Runia to appear before the Senate committee reviewing the Deloitte audit scandal, was defeated. Surprisingly, three Independent Senators voted with the Conservatives on this one; to his credit at least Senator Gerstein obstained from voting on this one.

As I said earlier today on Twitter, under the bus is getting crowded. Chances are, there's still someone the PM has forgotten to throw under it.

Let's see if the PM gets hammered tomorrow with questions on why Conservative Senators used their majority to block Runia from appearing.

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